Employee Learning System

Cameron Nuckols
July 24th, 2017 · 1 min read
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The hardest thing in business is people. Smarter people generally will help the business do better. The problem is that many employees become complacent and do not continue learning outside of college or their primary education as they should.

Companies want highly educated employees but do not always have them.


A software learning platform that works with businesses to provide learning incentives for employees. Think: gym incentive but for learning.


Imagine signing up your company for an incentive program that rewards employees for taking specific courses that the company management picks out as most valuable for their company or industry. What if you incentivized your employees to learn valuable skills that will lift the entire company? Make this simple for SMBs so all they have to do is sign up and the employees can do the rest.

For employees, it’s a no-brainer. They will learn, grow, and become more valuable themselves and for the company.

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