Neighborhood Care

Cameron Nuckols
June 24th, 2020 · 1 min read
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Working parents need easy access to childcare. With the explosion of work-from-home jobs, a new need for sustainable childcare has opened up. If parents are working from home, how can they also take care of their children?


Airbnb for childcare. As a company, you provide the legal entity, training, programs and activities to make a viable daycare in any neighborhood. The way you’d make money is by taking a sliver of the overall revenue from the at-home facilities that are created using your system. The company would save tremendously by not needing to provide the real estate to create the facility, and modern technology such as at-home monitoring devices could provide the same amount of safety that daycares provide.


As a working mother, you might not have access to affordable childcare. Because of Covid, your work transitioned to be purely home-based. Rather than pay for expensive childcare, you now could have childcare next door that provides the safety and activities of any traditional daycare.

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