Infinitely Reusable Pregnancy Tests

Cameron Nuckols
August 21st, 2017 · 1 min read
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For women who struggle to get pregnant, pregnancy test costs can add up. It’s also frustrating to need to keep buying more tests.


A digital pregnancy test that can be used an infinite amount of times. You buy it once and then you can continue using it. A business model that might work here is that you make the device cheap to buy ($5) but then they have to pay a fee each time they use it. Or it could be on a subscription basis.


A couple is trying to have kids and they want to continually test to see if the wife is pregnant. She could test every day if she wants. The test would share more with her about what she can do to better her chances of getting pregnant and more. All of the info would be available via her phone after the test.

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